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About Us

Fire Safe Marin is a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing fire hazards, promoting fire safety awareness, and helping residents prepare for wildfires in Marin County, California.

Who We Are

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a safe, fire-adapted community in Marin County, California. We offer a wide range of programs and resources, which promote wildfire safety preparedness, reduce fuel loads and fire hazards, build community cooperation, and encourage environmentally sound fire mitigation practices.

Named as a trusted partner for wildfire education in the Joint Powers Agreement, Fire Safe Marin is the official outreach arm of the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority.

Fire Safe Marin works in partnership with:

  • Fire departments and districts
  • Residents and neighborhoods
  • Community-based organizations
  • Public and private land managers
  • Landscape professionals
  • Insurance companies
  • Firewise USA
  • Utility companies
  • Building professionals
  • Local government

Our Mission

Fire Safe Marin’s mission is to educate our community about the dangers of wildfires and what we all can do to help save lives, protect homes, and create a resilient environment. We foster community involvement by building partnerships and providing resources for mitigating fire danger.

Our Values


Advancements in wildfire science and ecological mitigation practices are the foundation of our messages and educational programs.


FSM prioritizes messages about personal safety, educating residents to sign up for alerts, make an evacuation plan, know where and how to evacuate, and be ready to go.


We are committed to reaching all residents and visitors of Marin County with relevant, clear and effective messages to protect individuals and keep our community safe.


FSM strives to meet the needs of the moment, responding to events that raise concerns, creating messages and programs that address the priorities of the MWPA, and responding to residents’ questions with accurate information within 24 hours.


Adapting to wildfire is a collective responsibility. We work collaboratively with the MWPA, member agencies, governmental and private organizations, and community partners to build a network.


FSM’s resources and outreach consistently improve through incremental breakthroughs learned by experience, data gathering, and critical review.

What We Do

Fire Safe Marin is passionately committed to reducing wildfire risk and the safety of our local communities. Our multifaceted approach encompasses 13 programmatic areas, including initiatives like the annual Ember Stomp Wildfire Prevention Festival, which brings the whole community together. Wildfire Watch TV specials are produced during peak wildfire season to address resident concerns. We collaborate closely with landscaping and building professionals, ensuring fire safety is considered in their efforts. Through comprehensive community education programs, outreach and partnerships we empower residents to actively prepare their families, homes, and property for potential fire threats. By instilling a culture of preparedness, and collaboration and implementing strategic initiatives across these diverse program areas, Fire Safe Marin is dedicated to mitigating the impact of wildfires, ultimately safeguarding lives and property.


Programmatic Areas

We offer a wide range of programs and resources that promote wildfire safety preparedness.

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