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Zone 4 – Community Zone

Zone 4

Many homes do not have 100’ of space between structures and parcel lines. Property owners are required to maintain defensible space to their property line. Work with neighbors or land managers to reduce fuel on nearby properties or create fuel breaks to help reduce the risk to your community.  In most cases, the most effective solution is a cooperative approach between neighbors. Contact Fire Safe Marin for help organizing your neighbors to create a Firewise Site. Remember that the most important zone is closest to your structures–from 0′-5′. If you’ve taken all of the steps outlined here and worked to harden your home, neighboring properties typically present only a minimal risk.

MWPA prepares Marin for wildfire

Goat grazing for fuel removal at Triple C Ranch, Ross Valley, helps protect neighbors

Removing fuels on Marin Park lands adjacent to residential area

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