Novato Fire Protection District along with National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) and both Firewise communities, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club and Pacheco Valle will sponsor a Firewise Day Program that will provide free information to help you live safely in a wildland urban interface. The program will be held at Marin Valley Mobile Country Club located at 500 Marin Valley Drive in the clubhouse. Various guest speakers and exhibits will empower you and your neighbors to get ready for wildfire season and beyond.
Novato Wildfire Community Preparedness Day: Saturday, May 6, 2017, 10:00-2:30
Presentations will be made by:
- Novato Fire Chief Mark Heine
- Marin County Fire Department Battalion Chief Christie Neill
- Novato Fire Marshal, Battalion Chief Bill Tyler
- Fire Safe Marin Council Coordinator, Todd Lando
- Firewise Panel for Q&A discussion
Some exhibits include; Juniper Fire and Ember Storm videos, Community Emergency Response Team display, California Wildfire Preparedness Program literature, Local Nurseries, Pini ACE Hardware, Marin Humane Society, Get Ready Marin, Firewise and more!
After the presentations, attendees will have time to speak with fire officials, fellow residents, and vendors to discuss fire-resistant building materials and landscaping. There will also be raffle prizes with a free ticket upon entrance and extras for purchase. Don’t miss this one of a kind event!
For more information, contact John Hansen, Firewise Day Program Coordinator at: 415-847-7155.