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Vulcan Vents

Protect your home from Wildfires and the embers they generate

Thousands of homes burnt from the inside because of the flames and/or embers (sometimes from miles away) going through the vents and igniting a fire inside. Vulcan Vents are

  • Flame resistant
  • Ember resistant
  • Designed for excellent airflow

The patented design of the Vulcan Vents has many key features. One of the outstanding features of our fire-rated vents is the self-closing function, which activates when the vent is exposed to fire. The vents include a mesh covered with a proprietary coating that expands when exposed to fires, thus closing the cells and stopping fire or ember penetration. Our vents also offer protection from ember penetration even before the cells close off. In many cases, embers will be carried for miles by the wind and will penetrate a home before the fire ever comes near. Vulcan Vents are fully tested and certified, and they are also approved by the California State Fire Marshall. They are the only vents that have successfully passed both the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) testing standards for ember and flame intrusion (ASTM E 2886/E 2886 M and ASTM E 2912) as well as the one (1)-hour fire test under the ASTM E 119 one (1)-hour fire test standard.

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