Zone 0 - Ground Zero When Protecting Your Home From Embers
Fire Safe Marin is honored to host well-known wildfire scientists Jack Cohen and Steve Quarles, along with our own Todd Lando for a deep dive discussion on the concepts of defensible space, focusing on the near home non-Combustible zone and the importance of the first 5 feet.
We'll cover the history of our understanding of how homes ignite and how recent wildfires have changed our understanding, the current state of science regarding near home combustibles, and practical steps a homeowner can take to protect their home from embers.
Jack Cohen - Fire Scientist (retired) US Forest Service
Steve Quarles - Chief Scientist (retired) IBHS
Todd Lando - Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Specialist/Battalion Chief
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1 669 900 9128
Webinar ID: 873 8241 5962