Alerts & Warning Systems
Register to receive evacuation notices and fire information.
During wildfires, Marin residents should be prepared to monitor multiple sources for fire and life safety information. Emergency managers will use several platforms and methods to distribute fire information. Don’t neglect to use your own senses–look, listen, and smell for signs of fire and changing conditions!
Alert Marin
When will Alert Marin be Activated?
- The actions are generally evacuation or shelter in place
- Imminent wildfires, flooding, and evacuations with life safety implications
- During-event information about evacuation routes, shelters, transportation
- Other public safety incidents where lives may be at risk

Wireless Emergency Alerts
Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs) are short emergency messages from authorized government authorities that can be broadcast from cell towers to any WEA‐enabled mobile device in a locally targeted area. WEAs can be sent to your mobile device when you may be in harm’s way, without the need to download an app or subscribe to a service. WEAs are not affected by network congestion and will not disrupt texts, calls or in progress data sessions. Be sure that your phone has been enabled to receive WEA alerts.
When Will Nixle be Activated?
- When INFORMATION is needed in a ZIP CODE
- Road closures, general updates, issues affecting larger areas
- Post-disaster information about shelters, transportation, or supplies
- Police activity and general public safety information
- Sign up by texting your zip code to 888-777 or:

Emergency Alert System
Most of us have heard the weekly tests of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) which is a national public warning system commonly used by state and local authorities to deliver important emergency information. EAS Participants include radio and television broadcasters, cable systems, satellite radio and television providers, and wireline video providers that deliver local alerts on a voluntary basis.
Public Emergency Portal
The Marin County Emergency Portal is managed by the Office of Emergency Management and is the trusted source of information related to emergencies. During an emergency, this site will provide you with the latest information regarding significant incidents or events along with resources and/or actions for members of the community.

NOAA Weather Radios
When an evacuation alert or severe weather watch or warning is issued by local officials or the National Weather Service, many NOAA Weather Radios are able to alert you with a loud warning tone or siren, giving you the seconds you need to evacuate or seek shelter. Local agencies may issue evacuation notices through this radio-based system as well, providing a backup notification system to homes that may be without power or out of cellular communication range.
Outdoor Warning Systems
Some communities in Marin County use sirens or horns to alert residents and visitors to an imminent dangerous situation. The siren/horn activation is usually followed up by the distribution of additional information or direction by using one of the alerting systems above or by broadcasting a pre-recorded message on a local radio station.

Hi-Lo Sirens
Law Enforcement Officers may drive through neighborhoods utilizing Hi-Lo sirens activated announcing evacuations and/or emergency directions over their loud speakers. Sheriff’s Air Patrol may also fly overhead announcing the same information. If the area is remote, fire engines may also be sent to alert residents physically.
Social Media
Marin County agencies have a number of social media accounts to provide information about emergency incidents, traffic, power outages and other public safety messages. Stay informed by signing up here:

Local TV and Radio
Monitor local news and radio stations for fire and other disaster information. In Marin, tune to KCBS News AM 740, and in West Marin KWMR FM 90.5 and FM 898.9 are good local options. KPIX, KRON, KTVU are good local TV news sources.
Additional Information
It’s important to understand that you will NOT receive routine notifications whenever the fire department responds to a fire in your neighborhood. Alert Marin is used when there is a threat to lives or a need for evacuation or other action. In most cases, firefighters are able to quickly extinguish fires without the need for evacuations, and no notification will be sent. Nixle may be used to provide more general fire information to areas affected by smoke, to help residents of larger areas understand the source of smoke and ease concerns (again, it’s NOT the system used to send evacuation notices!)
If a wildfire requires evacuation in Marin and time allows, emergency managers will use the Alert Marin system to send out notifications by telephone, cellular, VOIP, and text message users who have pre-registered specific street addresses. If you live, work or go to school in Marin County, you should register to receive emergency alerts sent by voice, text, email, or smartphone application. You can register to receive notices for several locations you are likely to spend time at, or monitor family member’s addresses as well. Register every address, phone number, and device in your household. Don’t delay.
Alert Marin is not a general information tool, and is used only when action is required at a specific address. If no action is required, residents should not expect a notice from Alert Marin. In those cases, Nixle or other sources are available (PulsePoint…) to provide general information to nearby residents. Please also remember that your fire department is capable of containing and extinguishing most fires quickly, with no generalized risk to the wider community. In other words, the vast majority of fires will remain small and be extinguished by the first arriving firefighting resources, and do not require evacuations or the use of emergency alerting systems.
Alert Marin messages are infrequent and important. Please be sure to set the Alert Marin contact numbers for “Emergency Bypass” on your mobile phone (more information is here).
During a wildfire, “Nixle” is used to provide INFORMATION by text message targeting ENTIRE ZIP CODES when new INFORMATION becomes available.
Register for Nixle by texting your Zip Code to 888777 or register online to configure and fine-tune your messaging options.
Please understand that during a wildfire, initial messaging may take time to develop as firefighters focus on attacking the fire and gather information. Do not expect frequent updates by Nixle (or Alert Marin). Information will be updated only when conditions change or updates are warranted. Social media or TV and radio are good options to monitor for “play-by-play” updates.
It is important to understand that Alert Marin and Nixle are different, complementary systems, and currently require separate registrations! Nixle is an opt-in text message service used to announce local information, targeting zip codes. You are likely to receive frequent, low-level, non-emergency texts from many local public safety agencies by Nixle. Nixle may be used to provide general fire information or rebroadcast evacuation alerts, but Alert Marin is a separate and distinct system targeting specific street addresses with the ability to send voice, text, or email ACTION messages. Fire Safe Marin recommends that everyone register for Alert Marin and Nixle, and understand the difference!
Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) are well known as the system used to distribute “Amber Alerts.” Unlike Alert Marin, WEA alerts are sent to large geographic areas. Because WEA alerts cannot be targeted, they will only be used for large scale, life threatening disasters. Be sure to verify that Wireless Emergency Alerts (Amber Alerts and Emergency Alerts) are turned on in your cell phone’s settings. For example, on an iPhone, under settings/notifications, scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure all alerts are turned to ON.
A NOAA Weather Radio can be an excellent source of information during emergencies. Prices vary from $30 up, depending on the model. Many receivers have an alarm feature, but some may not. Check the NOAA website for more details.
Local emergency officials (Marin County Office of Emergency Services) can send an evacuation alert through the NOAA Weather Radio system. This system was used successfully in Sonoma County during the 2019 Kincade Fire.
In late 2020 Fire Safe Marin and the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) began a pilot program to distribute NOAA Weather Alerting Radios to some Marin residents. This short video helps explain the configuration and use of these radios for alerting to weather and wildfire emergencies.
NOAA Weather Radio Tutorial
NOAA Weather Radio User Guide to Settings
Law Enforcement Officers may drive through neighborhoods utilizing Hi-Lo sirens activated announcing evacuations and/or emergency directions over their loud speakers. Sheriff’s Air Patrol may also fly overhead announcing the same information. If the area is remote, fire engines may also be sent to alert residents physically.
Some communities in Marin County use sirens or horns to alert residents and visitors to an imminent dangerous situation. The siren/horn activation is usually followed up by the distribution of additional information or direction by using one of the alerting systems above or by broadcasting a pre-recorded message on a local radio station. These sirens or horns are location specific but the sound often “bleeds over” into adjoining jurisdictions therefore neighboring jurisdiction work together to coordinate messaging.
Do not wait for someone to come to your door and order you to leave. The information on whether or not you have to evacuate your home will come from your county, and it’s really important to proactively stay up to date on the latest alerts:
A new application for mobile devices now available in Marin County is designed to provide the public with real-time fire agency incident information and to help locate CPR-trained people near someone in cardiac arrest. This app can be configured to send alerts to your cell phone when wildfires, structure fires, or other emergencies are occurring in your vicinity – even emergencies that do not require evacuation.
The free PulsePoint app, available on the App Store and Google Play, recently expanded its geographic scope so that Marin residents will have access to real-time fire incident information, and local bystanders in Marin can be alerted to administer cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if needed. When pre-selected, cardiac arrest alerts are sent to participating residents only when an emergency occurs in a public place.
Fire Safe Marin recommends that all Marin residents register for Alert Marin and Nixle. Pulsepoint can be an informative tool for residents who understand that they don’t need to evacuate everytime a fire is burning nearby, but who want to keep informed.
It’s important to understand that you will NOT receive routine notifications whenever the fire department responds to a fire in your neighborhood. In most cases, firefighters are able to quickly extinguish fires without the need for evacuations. Alert Marin will normally be used only when there is a threat or need for evacuation, and messages will only be sent to the addresses impacted!
Remember, Nixle and Twitter, as well as local tv and radio, are good sources for local information, but are NOT the official evacuation notification system in Marin. Do not rely exclusively on these alternate sources for evacuation information!