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Fire Safe Marin receives many inquiries from residents about grant funding or other financial assistance for vegetation removal or home hardening projects. Fire Safe Marin does not manage any grant programs for residents. Some Marin County Fire Agencies do have limited financial assistance available. Several other Marin agencies are considering introducing new grant programs. The Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority also plans to introduce in November 2021 a grant program targeting seniors and members of the Access and Functional Needs community who meet income requirements. It is possible that the State of California will introduce additional grant programs in the future, but direct assistance to residents is not currently available.

Current Financial Assistance Programs

Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority

MWPA offers two grant programs totaling $700,000 for Marin County residents within the MWPA jurisdiction for the 2023-24 fiscal year ending on June 30, 2024. To apply for both grants, residents must have received a completed Defensible Space and Home Hardening Evaluation from their local MWPA-member fire agency. Items listed on the Defensible Space and Home Hardening Evaluation Report can be submitted to receive funds through the MWPA Grant Programs and are awarded as reimbursement towards work that has already been completed (with required documentation). If you do not have an eligible evaluation report, please request one from your local fire agency.


During FY 2023-24, grant funds are available for land parcels in the MWPA jurisdiction, to help offset the cost of creating defensible space, on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once all required documents are submitted for review, residents may receive up to $1,000 per parcel per fiscal year. There is no match requirement. This means that MWPA will fund 100% of your eligible expenses.


During the FY 2023-24, grants funds are available for parcels within the MWPA jurisdiction on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once all required documents are submitted for review, applicants may receive up to $5,000 per fiscal year per land parcel.

Some home hardening work is so important that MWPA will fund 100% of your expenses to complete it, as long as the need is identified during your Defensible Space and Home Hardening Evaluation. These items are:

-Installation or replacement of vents with < ⅛” screen. More information is available here

-Installation of gutter guards

-Installation or replacement of garage door seal

All other home hardening work identified during your Evaluation will require a 50% match. This means that MWPA will only reimburse you for 50% of your expenses on other home hardening items not listed above.

Additional Eligibility Information

Applicants or a member of their household must identify with at least one of the following:

-Physical development or intellectual disabilities

-Chronic conditions or injuries

-Limited English proficiency

-Older adults (60+)

-Children under the age of 18

-Dependent on public transit

-Pregnant Women

-Low-income household per HUD requirements

Eligible Marin County residents must receive a full Defensible Space and Home Hardening Evaluation. Only the completion of eligible work identified during the evaluation can be awarded.

Grant income is taxable in California. Applicants who receive a total (combined) award(s) of over $600 per calendar year will be issued a 1099 tax form.

Processing time:

If you have a Defensible Space & Home Hardening Evaluation, review time is approximately 2-3 weeks from the time you submit a complete application. If your application is awarded, please allow for an additional 2-3 weeks to receive payment.

People are asked to contact the MWPA  at for further information.  The MWPA also has a dedicated phone line for questions 415 342-8912.

Novato Fire Protection District

All Novato Residents can participate in the grant program after a full home assessment.

The grant provides a $0.50 match for every $1.00 of expenditure by the Pre-Approved Applicant. This is a first come, first serve grant until budget limits are reached. The maximum amount of reimbursement will not exceed the set amount for each grant.

Grant Type Maximum Reimbursement Amount
VMMGP $1,000.00
HHMGP $2,500.00
HOA VMMGP $1,500.00

San Rafael Fire Department

The San Rafael Fire Department and Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority have partnered together to offer grant opportunities to help residents with the costs of reducing wildfire risk on their properties. All residents of incorporated and unincorporated San Rafael are eligible to apply. Grant funds are awarded as reimbursement for completed defensible space and/or home hardening projects identified in the evaluation. Residents should prioritize the most hazardous risks on their property, including improvements required by San Rafael Municipal Code 4.12. Applications for recommended improvements may not be accepted until the required work on the property has been completed.

Apply for grant funding through your Defensible Space Report. Residents can receive funding from both MWPA and the San Rafael Fire Department and will be automatically considered for grants through both agencies. Staff will award you the maximum possible grant award based on the type of work completed and the amount spent.

The San Rafael Fire Department reimburses 50% of expenses, up to $1000 each for defensible space projects and home hardening work.  More funding may be available for low-income residents who are completing work required by law.

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