Firewise USA
The Firewise USA Program encourages local solutions for safety by involving homeowners in taking individual responsibility for preparing their homes from the risk of wildfire. The program provides resources to help homeowners learn how to adapt to living with wildfire while encouraging and empowering neighbors to work together to take action now to reduce their wildfire risk and prevent losses. Find out more about the benefits of the program.

Insurance Companies That Offer Firewise Discount
The number of residential property insurance companies offering insurance discounts for fire-hardened homes and communities has increased since Commissioner Lara took office in 2019. Several companies offer both community-wide discounts (for example, a home in a Firewise or a Shelter-In-Place community) and home- specific discounts (for example, maintaining defensible space or home-safety measures against wind-blown embers). In some cases, these discounts can be combined. Because discounts and eligibility differ by company, we urge you to contact the insurance company directly to find out if your property qualifies.
Start a Firewise Site
Find out how to become a Firewise Site. This page contains detailed guidance on how to complete each step of the enrollment process. Each Firewise Site fills out a risk assessment that helps guide creation of an action plan to address issues in the assessment. Fire Safe Marin has created templates to make the application easy and our staff will provide assistance as needed and help walk you through the process.

Firewise Activities
What activities are important for residents in a Firewise Site? Fire Safe Marin recommends that each Firewise Site conduct what we call the Seven Universal Firewise Actions. This includes: gather resident contacts, hold regular meetings (at least quarterly), conduct wildfire education utilizing FSM materials, promote vegetation removal projects (chipper days), hold annual evacuation drills, do a neighborhood walk, and work with your local fire department.
Firewise Renewal Guidance
Fire Safe Marin has a webpage with step by step guide to help you through the annual renewal process. This includes templates that make it easy to complete the risk assessment and update your action plan. There is also an easy to fill out worksheet to calculate your total investment. Finally there is a video that breaks down each step.

Evacuation Drills
Evacuation drills are not designed to test traffic flow because it is impossible to duplicate the traffic volume of a real event. We know the roads will be crowded. Drills are meant to encourage residents to review their evacuation plan which helps to facilitate a safe, quick departure. Practice makes perfect. Organizing an evacuation practice does not need to be difficult. FSM Marin has provided several ways to conduct the drill from simple to complex. Each Firewise Site should hold an annual evacuation practice.
Print Materials
Firesafe Marin maintains a large supply of print materials stored in “The Cache” off Hwy 101 in Greenbrae. These materials are available to Firewise leaders for distribution in their communities. Materials include evacuation checklists, home hardening guides, fire smart landscaping tips and a host of other topics. Click here for a complete list of available materials.

Home Evaluation Schedules
The Marin Wildfire and local fire departments are committed to working with residents to reduce the risk of wildfire through home hardening and defensible space evaluations. Find out when inspections are happening in your neighborhood.