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We did it! We have so much gratitude for everyone that made this first-ever wildfire festival such a huge success. Thank you to everyone who attended and helped spread the word. With the overwhelming support and enthusiasm from donors, partners, industry leaders, and community members we were able to exceed our expectations and realize the vision of bringing all stakeholders together toward becoming a Wildfire Adaptive Community

We had over 2,000 people attend Ember Stomp and 46 participating organizations sharing resources and community building. The Fairgrounds Island was a joyful atmosphere with the live bands providing a backdrop to the important conversations people were having about how to prepare for wildfire. One of our goals of Ember Stomp was to make wildfire prevention accessible and fun- in each focus area of the island we saw people enjoying themselves as they engaged with what can be a scary and daunting topic. Many families came to enjoy the event and participated in the hands-on activities and games focused on teaching the lessons of embers spreading wildfire. We wanted people to walk away from Ember Stomp feeling empowered to take action. Over 500 wildfire prevention actions were pledged by residents including packing a go-bag and signing up for alerts. 

Relive the day!

Check out the media coverage from the day: ABC7 and CBS
Watch our highlights video

Thank you to our incredible donors who made our vision Ember Stomp come to life:

Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Carey Hagglund Condy Team
Fire Aside
Marin Community Foundation
West Marin Compost
Marin Realtors Association
Marin County Sustainability Team
Bay Area Air Quality Management District

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