Join us May 1-7 as we celebrate national Wildfire Community Preparedness Week. At a time when wildfires are causing more damage to homes and businesses each year, Preparedness Week is a reminder that there are many things we can do to be prepared for wildfire. These events serves as means to inspire and encourage people of all ages to plan and participate in a risk reduction or wildfire preparedness activity that makes their community a safer place to live.
The 2017 National Wildfire Community Preparedness Week is May 1-7. Fire Safe Marin, Marin County Fire Department, Novato Fire Protection District, Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District, and other local agencies and neighborhoods are hosting events to help Marin residents better prepare for wildfires.
Wildfire Community Preparedness Week: May 1-7, 2017
- Wildfire Awareness Day May 6th. Marin County Fire Department and Novato Fire Protection District will declare Wildfire Awareness Week as May 1-7, 2017.
- MCFD begins Defensible Space Inspections countywide.
- Fire Safe Marin officially launches new website.
- Fire Safe Marin officially launches the new 2017 Marin County FIRESafe Plant List at
- Bus Advertising Campaign on Marin Transit Busses.
Saturday, May 6
- Marin Valley Mobile Country Club & Pacheco Valle are hosting a Firewise Day –”Living Safely in the Wildland –Urban Interface: What we need to know and what we need to do” from 10-3PM Marin Valley Mobile Country Club. Speakers, exhibits, lunch. All Marin County residents and community leaders are invited.
- Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District is hosting a Free Chipper Day for Sleepy Hollow residents only.
Sunday, May 7
- Fire Safe Marin in partnership with PG&E will host a booth at the Civic Center Marin Farmers Market, 8-1pm. We’ll have info on the Marin CWPP, Fire Hazards in Marin, the NEW Marin County FIRESafe Plant ListMarin County FIRESafe Plant List and Defensible Space information from wildfire experts.
June, July…
- June 3-4: MCFD “Defensible Space Blitz.” All on-duty fire department personnel will conduct defensible space inspections in their response area.
- June 10-11, July 8-9: MCFD and Fire Safe Marin, in partnership with West Marin Compost will host Free Green Waste Disposal Days at the Nicasio Green Waste facility to help resident create Defensible Space.
- July 7,8,9 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday): Free Chipper Days for Corte Madera and Larkspur Residents at the gravel overflow parking lot on Redwood Highway (North of Nordstrom at The Village at Corte Madera), 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.