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Living With Fire: 2020 Waiting List

Are you INTERESTED in attending one of Fire Safe Marin's acclaimed "Living With Fire" presentations in 2020?

We're working on our 2020 schedule, and plan to release dates and locations early in the new year.  Please register here to show your interest and be notified of our upcoming schedule.

We'll email you as  soon as dates are available.  Want to host an event, or have a good idea about where a future seminar should be held?  Let us know in the comments! 

About Living WIth Fire:

Join us for this important, FREE, 2-hour seminar on wildfire preparedness for Marin residents.

As Marin residents, we all share responsibility to be prepared for wildfires.  Wildfires are a natural part of our environment, and it’s imperative that we build our homes, maintain our landscapes, and prepare our families for the next major fire. 

Learn about your community’s hazard and what you can do about it from the wildfire experts at Fire Safe Marin and your local fire department.

  • Are you and your family prepared to safely evacuate when a wildfire strikes?
  • Is your home vulnerable to igniting from wildfire embers?
  • Does your home have adequate Defensible Space?
  • Are you interested in working with neighbors and land managers to reduce fire risk in your community? 

This workshop is intended primarily for residents, homeowners, and regular visitors to Marin County, CA.  Registration for individual Living With Fire seminars is available online at


Living With Fire: Novato

Join us for a FREE 2-hour seminar on wildfire preparedness for Marin residents.

As Marin residents, we all share responsibility to be prepared for wildfires.  Wildfires are a natural part of our environment, and it’s imperative that we build our homes, maintain our landscapes, and prepare our families for the next major fire. 

Learn about your community’s hazard and what you can do about it from the wildfire experts at Novato Fire Protection District and Fire Safe Marin.

  • Are you and your family prepared to safely evacuate when a wildfire strikes?
  • Is your home vulnerable to igniting from wildfire embers?
  • Does your home have adequate Defensible Space?
  • Are you interested in working with neighbors and land managers to reduce fire risk in your community? 

This workshop is intended primarily for residents, homeowners, and regular visitors to Novato and Marin County, CA.  Registration online at is encouraged, but not required. 


Webinar: How Wildfires Burn

How Wildfires Burn. Join Yana Valachovic (UC Cooperative Extension Forest Advisor) and Steve Quarles (UC Cooperative Extension Advisor emeritus) discussing the influence of weather and topography on fire spread and how creating defensible space can protect your home. Together they will introduce the topic of home hardening, a topic more extensively covered in future Fire Safe Marin webinars. 

Join on Facebook live stream or via Zoom here:

Or by telephone:
1 669 900 9128  
Webinar ID: 873 8241 5962


Webinar: Home Hardening 1

Home Hardening 1

This month Fire Safe Marin's website will address the vulnerability of your home to wildfire and steps you can take to improve the chance your home can survive. Many of the steps you can take to improve its ability to resist ignition from wind-blown embers include changes to your vents, decks, and roof. Join Fire Safe Marin board members Steve Quarles', Ph.D., and special guest Jack Cohen, Ph.D., for an informative discussion.

Join on Facebook live stream or via Zoom here:

Or by telephone:
1 669 900 9128  
Webinar ID: 873 8241 5962


Webinar: Zone Zero – the Critical First 5 ft. with Jack Cohen, Steve Quarles, and Todd Lando

Zone 0 - Ground Zero When Protecting Your Home From Embers

Fire Safe Marin is honored to host well-known wildfire scientists Jack Cohen and Steve Quarles, along with our own Todd Lando for a deep dive discussion on the concepts of defensible space, focusing on the near home non-Combustible zone and the importance of the first 5 feet.

We'll cover the history of our understanding of how homes ignite and how recent wildfires have changed our understanding, the current state of science regarding near home combustibles, and practical steps a homeowner can take to protect their home from embers.

Jack Cohen - Fire Scientist (retired) US Forest Service
Steve Quarles - Chief Scientist (retired) IBHS
Todd Lando - Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Specialist/Battalion Chief

Join on Facebook live stream or via Zoom here:

Or by telephone:
1 669 900 9128  
Webinar ID: 873 8241 5962


Webinar: Fire Smart Landscaping

Fire Smart Landscaping: Maintaining a Healthy Landscape in the Face of Drought

Drought is an extreme condition for gardening that challenges plant growth and survival. Learn how to balance the need to conserve water during drought and still have a thriving, healthy garden in the 0-30 foot defensible space surrounding your home. Plus, immediate actions you can take to maintain your landscape along the exit routes from your home to ensure safe exit during a wildfire evacuation.

Join on Facebook live stream or via Zoom here:

Or by telephone:
1 669 900 9128  
Webinar ID: 873 8241 5962


Wildfire Preparedness Community Workshop: West Marin

Wed, May 5
West Marin with Jordan Reeser, Marin County Fire Department Captain

Prepare yourself for wildfire! 

A series of virtual community workshops will cover a variety of topics including wildfire science, defensible space, home hardening basics, community preparedness, and personal preparedness and evacuations. All workshops will include discussion, Q&A, and the same topics, but each will also feature a guest speaker that can answer questions specific to each geographic service area of Marin County. These workshops will teach actionable skills that residents can use right away. 

Join on Facebook live stream or via zoom here:


Wildfire Preparedness Community Workshop: San Rafael

Thurs, May 13
San Rafael with Quinn Gardner, City of San Rafael Emergency Manager

Prepare yourself for wildfire! 

A series of virtual community workshops will cover a variety of topics including wildfire science, defensible space, home hardening basics, community preparedness, and personal preparedness and evacuations. All workshops will include discussion, Q&A, and the same topics, but each will also feature a guest speaker that can answer questions specific to each geographic service area of Marin County. These workshops will teach actionable skills that residents can use right away. 

Join on Facebook live stream or via Zoom here:


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