CANCELLED: Living With Fire: Fairfax
Please check back - Fire Safe Marin is working on delivering this and other presentations online. We'll be ready for online education late spring, 2020.
Join us for a FREE 2-hour seminar on wildfire preparedness for Marin residents.
As Marin residents, we all share responsibility to be prepared for wildfires. Wildfires are a natural part of our environment, and it’s imperative that we build our homes, maintain our landscapes, and prepare our families for the next major fire.
Learn about your community’s hazard and what you can do about it from the wildfire experts at Ross Valley Fire Department and Fire Safe Marin.
- Are you and your family prepared to safely evacuate when a wildfire strikes?
- Is your home vulnerable to igniting from wildfire embers?
- Does your home have adequate Defensible Space?
- Are you interested in working with neighbors and land managers to reduce fire risk in your community?
This workshop is intended primarily for residents, homeowners, and regular visitors to Fairfax and Marin County, CA. Registration online at is encouraged, but not required.