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Living With Fire: Corte Madera

Join us for a FREE 2-hour seminar on wildfire preparedness for Marin residents.

As Marin residents, we all share responsibility to be prepared for wildfires.  Wildfires are a natural part of our environment, and it’s imperative that we build our homes, maintain our landscapes, and prepare our families for the next major fire. 

Learn about your community’s hazard and what you can do about it from the wildfire experts at Fire Safe Marin.

  • Are you and your family prepared to safely evacuate when a wildfire strikes?
  • Is your home vulnerable to igniting from wildfire embers?
  • Does your home have adequate Defensible Space?
  • Are you interested in working with neighbors and land managers to reduce fire risk in your community? 

This workshop is intended primarily for residents, homeowners, and regular visitors to Marin County, CA.  Registration online at is encouraged, but not required. 


Home Hardening Workshop for Professionals

Attention Building Industry Professionals! Join Fire Safe Marin for a FREE 4-hour seminar on wildfire home-hardening.

  • 1PM Doors Open - Meet Manufacturers and Installers
  • 2PM-4PM Seminar for Building Professionals
  • 4PM-5PM Manufacturer Showcase and Live Burn Demo

Recognizing that home-hardening through improved architectural design, ember and ignition resistant material selection, and retrofitting existing buildings are the most important factors in improving home survival during wildfires, Fire Safe Marin has developed a seminar and training curriculum to introduce building professionals to these concepts.

Taught by experts in the field of building science, home hardening, and wildfire, this seminar is intended for building industry professionals to:

  • Train the contractor, handyman, architect, and owner/builder to recognize structural vulnerabilities to wildfires and embers;
  • Introduce ignition and ember resistant designs and materials;
  • Provide home-hardening and retrofitting resources;
  • Encourage building modifications to reduce the likelihood of structural ignitions during wildfires;
  • Develop a list of contractors to provide Marin homeowners with access to knowledgeable professionals

Weather permitting, a live fire demonstration will be conducted at 5PM to demonstrate the differences between ordinary and fire-resistant construction. 


"Hoime Hardening" describes a building or structure that is designed, built, or retrofitted to resist ignition from wildfires and embers. While no home is "fireproof," simple and often inexpensive materials, designs, and techniques can address the most vulnerable components of a house to increase resistance to heat, flames, and embers from wildfires.


Stephen L. Quarles, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist for Wildfire and Durability (retired)
Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS)

Todd Lando
Executive Coordinator, Fire Safe Marin
Wildfire Hazard Mitigation and Vegetation management Consultant

Larry Pasero
Fire Inspector, Kentfield Fire Protection District

Program SponsorS

csaa logoFire Safe Marin has partnered with CSAA Insurance Group, a AAA insurer, to bring building professionals the most up-to-date knowledge on home-hardening for wildfire. CSAA Insurance Group, a AAA Insurer, offers automobile, homeowners and other personal lines of insurance to AAA Members through AAA clubs in 23 states and the District of Columbia.

Manufacturer and Installer Showcase

The following manufacturers will be on-hand to discuss their innovative WUI approved building products:


ember wildfire defense solutions logo retina

Frontline Logo Dark JPEG    james hardie planks logo clear choice roofing exteriors    VULCAN VENT LOGO  

  Brandguard Logo Wide Extreme small      embers out logo     ohagin black

Fire aside logo 


Schedule of Events

  • Doors open at 1PM to meet manufacturers (early showcase)
  • Seminar for Building Professionals 2-4 PM
  • Showcase for professionals 4-5 PM
  • LIVE BURN 5PM, all welcome..
  • Public showcase, meet manufacturers 5-6 PM
  • Seminar for Homeowners 6-7:30 PM 

Home Hardening Workshop for Homeowners

Attention Marin Homeowners! Join Fire Safe Marin for a FREE 2-hour seminar on wildfire home-hardening.

  • 5 PM Live Burn Demo and Manufacturer Showcase
  • 6 PM-7:30 PM Seminar for Homeowners

Recognizing that home-hardening through improved architectural design, ember and ignition resistant material selection, and retrofitting existing buildings are the most important factors in improving home survival during wildfires, Fire Safe Marin has developed a seminar and training curriculum to introduce homeowners to these concepts.

Taught by experts in the field of wildfire, home hardening, and building science, this seminar will help Marin homeowners to:

  • Identify their home’s vulnerabilities to wildfires and embers;
  • Introduce ignition and ember resistant design and materials;
  • Provide home-hardening and retrofitting resources;
  • Encourage building modifications to reduce the likelihood of structural ignitions during wildfires;
  • Manufacturer representatives will be on-site to display fire resistant building materials.

Weather permitting, a live fire demonstration will be conducted at 5PM to demonstrate the differences between ordinary and fire-resistant construction.


"Fire hardened" describes a building or structure that is prepared for wildfire and an ember storm. It does not mean fireproof. Home hardening addresses the most vulnerable components of your house with building materials and installation techniques that increase resistance to heat, flames, and embers that accompany wildfires.


Stephen L. Quarles, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist for Wildfire and Durability (retired)
Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS)

Todd Lando
Executive Coordinator, Fire Safe Marin
Wildfire Hazard Mitigation and Vegetation management Consultant

Larry Pasero
Fire Inspector, Kentfield Fire Protection District

Program Sponsor

Fire Safe Marin has partnered with CSAA Insurance Group, a AAA insurer, to bring building professionals the most up-to-date knowledge on home-hardening for wildfire. 

Manufacturer and Installer Showcase

The following manufacturers will be on-hand to discuss their innovative WUI approved building products:


ember wildfire defense solutions logo retina

Frontline Logo Dark JPEG    james hardie planks logo clear choice roofing exteriors    VULCAN VENT LOGO  

  Brandguard Logo Wide Extreme small      embers out logo     ohagin black

Fire aside logo 


 Schedule of Events

  • Doors open at 1PM to meet manufacturers (early showcase)
  • Seminar for Building Professionals 2-4 PM
  • Showcase for professionals 4-5 PM
  • LIVE BURN 5PM, all welcome..
  • Public showcase, meet manufacturers 5-6 PM
  • Seminar for Homeowners 6-7:30 PM 

Living With Fire: 2020 Waiting List

Are you INTERESTED in attending one of Fire Safe Marin's acclaimed "Living With Fire" presentations in 2020?

We're working on our 2020 schedule, and plan to release dates and locations early in the new year.  Please register here to show your interest and be notified of our upcoming schedule.

We'll email you as  soon as dates are available.  Want to host an event, or have a good idea about where a future seminar should be held?  Let us know in the comments! 

About Living WIth Fire:

Join us for this important, FREE, 2-hour seminar on wildfire preparedness for Marin residents.

As Marin residents, we all share responsibility to be prepared for wildfires.  Wildfires are a natural part of our environment, and it’s imperative that we build our homes, maintain our landscapes, and prepare our families for the next major fire. 

Learn about your community’s hazard and what you can do about it from the wildfire experts at Fire Safe Marin and your local fire department.

  • Are you and your family prepared to safely evacuate when a wildfire strikes?
  • Is your home vulnerable to igniting from wildfire embers?
  • Does your home have adequate Defensible Space?
  • Are you interested in working with neighbors and land managers to reduce fire risk in your community? 

This workshop is intended primarily for residents, homeowners, and regular visitors to Marin County, CA.  Registration for individual Living With Fire seminars is available online at


CANCELLED: Living With Fire: Novato


Please check back - Fire Safe Marin is working on delivering this and other presentations online. We'll be ready for online education late spring, 2020.

Join us for a FREE 2-hour seminar on wildfire preparedness for Marin residents.

As Marin residents, we all share responsibility to be prepared for wildfires.  Wildfires are a natural part of our environment, and it’s imperative that we build our homes, maintain our landscapes, and prepare our families for the next major fire. 

Learn about your community’s hazard and what you can do about it from the wildfire experts at Novato Fire Protection District and Fire Safe Marin.

  • Are you and your family prepared to safely evacuate when a wildfire strikes?
  • Is your home vulnerable to igniting from wildfire embers?
  • Does your home have adequate Defensible Space?
  • Are you interested in working with neighbors and land managers to reduce fire risk in your community? 

This workshop is intended primarily for residents, homeowners, and regular visitors to Novato and Marin County, CA.  Registration online at is encouraged, but not required. 


CANCELLED: Living With Fire: Fairfax


Please check back - Fire Safe Marin is working on delivering this and other presentations online. We'll be ready for online education late spring, 2020.

Join us for a FREE 2-hour seminar on wildfire preparedness for Marin residents.

As Marin residents, we all share responsibility to be prepared for wildfires.  Wildfires are a natural part of our environment, and it’s imperative that we build our homes, maintain our landscapes, and prepare our families for the next major fire. 

Learn about your community’s hazard and what you can do about it from the wildfire experts at Ross Valley Fire Department and Fire Safe Marin.

  • Are you and your family prepared to safely evacuate when a wildfire strikes?
  • Is your home vulnerable to igniting from wildfire embers?
  • Does your home have adequate Defensible Space?
  • Are you interested in working with neighbors and land managers to reduce fire risk in your community? 

This workshop is intended primarily for residents, homeowners, and regular visitors to Fairfax and Marin County, CA.  Registration online at is encouraged, but not required. 


Webinar: Wildfire Evacuation and Personal Preparedness

Join us for a FREE 1-hour webinar on wildfire preparedness for Marin residents.

As Marin residents, we all share responsibility to be prepared for wildfires. Wildfires are a natural part of our environment, and it’s imperative that we build our homes, maintain our landscapes, and prepare our families for the next major fire.

Learn about your community’s wildfire risk and hazard, and what you can do about it from the wildfire experts at Fire Safe Marin.

Webinar Topic: Are you and your family prepared to safely evacuate when a wildfire strikes? This session will cover emergency alerts and notifications, personal safety during a wildfire event, evacuation preparedness, go-kits, evacuation routes, and how to evacuate safely.

Registration is encouraged, but not required.  

Online Webinar Information

You are invited to attend Fire Safe Marin's Zoom webinar.
When: Monday, May 4, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time
Topic: Living With Fire: Wildfire Evacuation and Personal Preparedness

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16699009128,,89002272179# or +13462487799,,89002272179#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 900 9128 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592
Webinar ID: 890 0227 2179
International numbers available:


Webinar: Preparing Your Home for Embers & Zone Zero

Join us for a FREE 1-hour webinar on wildfire preparedness for Marin residents.

As Marin residents, we all share responsibility to be prepared for wildfires. Wildfires are a natural part of our environment, and it’s imperative that we build our homes, maintain our landscapes, and prepare our families for the next major fire.

Learn about your community’s hazard and what you can do about it from the wildfire experts at Fire Safe Marin.

Webinar Topic: Is your home ready to survive a wildfire? This session will cover how homes ignite during wildfires (hint: it's the embers!), the basic concepts of "home hardening," home maintenance, and the importance of maintaining defensible space "Zone Zero."

Registration is encouraged, but not required.  

Online Webinar Information

You are invited to attend Fire Safe Marin's Zoom webinar.
When: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time
Topic: Living With Fire: Preparing Your Property for Embers and Zone Zero

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16699009128,,82465219473# or +13462487799,,82465219473#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 900 9128 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 824 6521 9473
International numbers available:


Fire-Smart Landscaping Webinar

Join us tonight for a Webinar on Fire-Smart Landscaping! Presented by UC Marin Master Gardeners and Fire Safe Marin, this one hour presentation will introduce you to the concepts and techniques required to create a Fire-Smart, fire-resistant landscape around your home. Defensible Space saves homes, and this should be priority one for every Marin resident.

Click here to register!


CANCELLED: Living With Fire: Fairfax (Webinar)


Join us for a FREE 90 minute webinar on wildfire preparedness for Marin residents. (NOTE: This was originall scheduled as an in-person seminar.  Due to COVID-19, we're moving online - this webinar will still be geared towards Fairfax residents, with local specific information).

As Marin residents, we all share responsibility to be prepared for wildfires.  Wildfires are a natural part of our environment, and it’s imperative that we build our homes, maintain our landscapes, and prepare our families for the next major fire. 

Learn about your community’s hazard and what you can do about it from the wildfire experts at Ross Valley Fire Department District and Fire Safe Marin.

  • Are you and your family prepared to safely evacuate when a wildfire strikes?
  • Is your home vulnerable to igniting from wildfire embers?
  • Does your home have adequate Defensible Space?
  • Are you interested in working with neighbors and land managers to reduce fire risk in your community? 

This workshop is intended primarily for residents, homeowners, and regular visitors to Fairfax and Marin County, CA.  Registration online at is encouraged, but not required. 


Living With Fire in Marin: Current North Bay Fire Trends and What We’re Doing to Prepare

Join us for the Living With Fire in Marin County webinar on Tuesday, July 28 at 6pm. Hear from Mark Brown, Deputy Chief of the Marin County Fire Department and Katie Rice, Marin County Supervisor, about current North Bay fire trends and learn what Marin County is doing to prepare.

The first in Fire Safe Marin's new online webinar series.

When: Jul 28, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Living With Fire in Marin: Current North Bay Fire Trends and What We're Doing to Prepare.

Join this webinar via Zoom:

Or Telephone:
Dial 1 669 900 9128
Webinar ID: 873 8241 5962

Thanks for attending Fire Safe Marin's online webinars.


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