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UC Marin Master Gardeners offer this fire-smart landscape tip this spring.
Think lean. Allow space between individual plants, or plant in small, irregular clusters or islands.

Think clean. Remove dried grass, weeds, dead branches, and all other dead vegetation. Check for leaf and needle litter in gutters, roofs, eaves, vents, chimneys, under decks, and elevated porches. Thin out and reduce tree canopies.

Think green. Properly irrigate plants using healthy soil to remain green summer through fall.  Check your irrigation system regularly for leaks or malfunctions. Apply compost and mulches to help stabilize soil temperature and prevent evaporation.

In areas 0-5’ from structures, use non-combustible mulches like rock, gravel, and stone. In areas 5-30′ from structures, use composted woodchips or bark nuggets to a depth of two inches. Avoid fine, stringy mulches.

Learn more fire-smart landscaping tips at Marin Master Gardeners.

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