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Ember Stomp- the first ever Wildfire Prevention festival is coming to Marin. But where did the idea come from? Hear from Fire Safe Marin’s very own Arann Harris about where the inspiration for Ember Stomp came from and what he hopes attendees will take away from being part of this unique experience. 

Who are you? 

I am Arann Harris, Wildfire Preventionist. I like unbuilding wildfires and encouraging tinder reduction. 

What do you do at Fire Safe Marin?

I work with our 77 Firewise communities to reduce wildfire risk, harden homes, and promote wildfire evacuation drills. I also help with creative projects such as the music for our animation videos and building games for Ember Stomp. There is so much work being done in Marin to prepare for wildfire and I am trying to encourage collaboration among all the different groups involved. 

What inspired the idea for Ember Stomp?

I worked for Marin County as a Defensible Space Inspector walking door to door talking to people about how they could make changes around their homes to reduce the risk of wildfire. I loved talking to people but got tired of just telling them what to do and wondered if there was an artful way to inspire Marin to take charge of their wildfire preparation. I wanted to combine music, art, and games to make this new way of life of wildfire prevention fun. 

Why the name “Ember Stomp”?

Stomping is dancing, stomping is a powerful act. Windblown embers are one of the main ways that wildfires spread and cause our homes to ignite. My hope is that we can inspire folks to remove fuels and harden their homes, stomping out future wildfires. We wanted to have this event in May to bring awareness to Wildfire Preparedness month. Living in Marin, we need to be taking action before there is smoke in the sky. 

Tell us about the Ember Stomp experience- if people come to the Island on May 28th, what should they expect?

Hands-on fun and games, talking face to face with experts and officials all focused on helping reduce wildfire risk, local food trucks and live music from 4 bands. I wanted to bring an artful and joyful energy to this festival and I am very proud of the music that will be there: AJ Lee and the Blue Summit, Marty O’Reilly, Element Brass Band and Los Cenzontles Cultural Arts Academy. There is nothing else like this festival and there will be something for everyone! 

What are you hoping people will learn at Ember Stomp?

We are in this together. We have power and agency to protect our homes and families, action is the answer.

What are you hoping people will feel leaving Ember Stomp?

I hope they feel they are supported and there are options and ideas for making their community more wildfire prepared.

What is one thing you are really excited about that will be at Ember Stomp?

Thanking Prevention Pro’s for the job they are doing. 

Who is behind Ember Stomp? Who is making this possible?

We have many generous donations including from major sponors Carey Hagglund Condy Real Estate, Fire Aside, Marin Community Foundation, West Marin Compost, Marin Realtors Association, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, in additon to an amazing team working together to make a great day for Marin.

Fire Safe Marin

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