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UC Marin Master Gardners share best pruning practices for January.

✔ Trim and remove all dead & dying vegetation.

✔ Cut back vines and low-growing groundcovers (e.g. ivy) to remove build-up of dry stems and dead leaves.

✔ Prune trees when dormant (except apricot and cherry).

✔ Gently thin and trim back tree & shrub canopies to remove twiggy growth and maintain separation between plants.

✔ For trees, remove limbs 6 to 10 feet from the ground, or trim up to 1/3 of tree height for smaller trees.

✔ Avoid topping trees and shearing hedges as this causes excessive and twiggy growth and more fuel for a fire.

✔ Remove branches within 10 ft of chimney, and clean roof & gutters of plant debris. Consult an arborist regarding any branch removal, especially to ensure the health of the tree.

Visit UC Marin Master Gardeners for more fire-smart landscaping tips.

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