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Living With Fire: 2020 Waiting List

Are you INTERESTED in attending one of Fire Safe Marin's acclaimed "Living With Fire" presentations in 2020?

We're working on our 2020 schedule, and plan to release dates and locations early in the new year.  Please register here to show your interest and be notified of our upcoming schedule.

We'll email you as  soon as dates are available.  Want to host an event, or have a good idea about where a future seminar should be held?  Let us know in the comments! 

About Living WIth Fire:

Join us for this important, FREE, 2-hour seminar on wildfire preparedness for Marin residents.

As Marin residents, we all share responsibility to be prepared for wildfires.  Wildfires are a natural part of our environment, and it’s imperative that we build our homes, maintain our landscapes, and prepare our families for the next major fire. 

Learn about your community’s hazard and what you can do about it from the wildfire experts at Fire Safe Marin and your local fire department.

  • Are you and your family prepared to safely evacuate when a wildfire strikes?
  • Is your home vulnerable to igniting from wildfire embers?
  • Does your home have adequate Defensible Space?
  • Are you interested in working with neighbors and land managers to reduce fire risk in your community? 

This workshop is intended primarily for residents, homeowners, and regular visitors to Marin County, CA.  Registration for individual Living With Fire seminars is available online at


Webinar: Zone Zero – the Critical First 5 ft. with Jack Cohen, Steve Quarles, and Todd Lando

Zone 0 - Ground Zero When Protecting Your Home From Embers

Fire Safe Marin is honored to host well-known wildfire scientists Jack Cohen and Steve Quarles, along with our own Todd Lando for a deep dive discussion on the concepts of defensible space, focusing on the near home non-Combustible zone and the importance of the first 5 feet.

We'll cover the history of our understanding of how homes ignite and how recent wildfires have changed our understanding, the current state of science regarding near home combustibles, and practical steps a homeowner can take to protect their home from embers.

Jack Cohen - Fire Scientist (retired) US Forest Service
Steve Quarles - Chief Scientist (retired) IBHS
Todd Lando - Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Specialist/Battalion Chief

Join on Facebook live stream or via Zoom here:

Or by telephone:
1 669 900 9128  
Webinar ID: 873 8241 5962


Webinar: Fire Smart Landscaping

Fire Smart Landscaping: Maintaining a Healthy Landscape in the Face of Drought

Drought is an extreme condition for gardening that challenges plant growth and survival. Learn how to balance the need to conserve water during drought and still have a thriving, healthy garden in the 0-30 foot defensible space surrounding your home. Plus, immediate actions you can take to maintain your landscape along the exit routes from your home to ensure safe exit during a wildfire evacuation.

Join on Facebook live stream or via Zoom here:

Or by telephone:
1 669 900 9128  
Webinar ID: 873 8241 5962


Webinar: Environmental Considerations For Homeowners

Environmental Considerations for Homeowners When Creating a Fire-Smart Landscape

Fire mitigation strategies are not at odds with environmental best practices. In fact, a healthy, biodiverse and resilient landscape is what we need to defend against catastrophic wildfires and protect our future. 

Guest speakers:

Mike Swezy of Marin Conservation League will explain the new Ecologically Sound Practices for Defensible Space under consideration by the Marin Wildfire Protection Agency.

Wildfire Mitigation Specialist Yvette Blount will tell us about the environmental concerns that are part of the Defensible Space Home Evaluations.

Nate Clark from Marin County Open Space District, Biodiversity and Fuels Projects Coordinator will give tips for homeowners to assess their properties for nesting animals and learn the best times and conditions for pruning and removing fire prone growth while preserving biodiversity. 

Join on Facebook live stream or Zoom here:

Or by telephone:
1 669 900 9128  
Webinar ID: 873 8241 5962


Webinar: Pet Evacuation

Pet Evacuation: Fire-Safe Animal Information for Large Animals and House Pets

We love our pets! Wildfire preparedness includes care for our pets and large animals.  If an evacuation order goes out, do you know how to keep your animals safe? What should you pack in your pet’s go-bag? Where can you safely evacuate with pets? What about livestock, horses, chickens and iguanas and exotic birds? Cindy Machado of Marin Humane and Julie Atwood of the Halter Project will share their extensive knowledge and experience of emergency planning for our animals. They will answer your questions and give advice about how to:

  • Create defensible space around your home, barn and animals’ shelters.
  • Think through an evacuation plan and have a checklist.
  • Learn guidelines that will give animals the best chance of survival.
  • Connect with resources, such as Marin Humane, Halter Project and emergency shelters and foster programs for pets.

Tuesday June 29, 2021 @ 6:00pm

Join on Facebook live stream or Zoom:

Or by telephone:
1 669 900 9128  
Webinar ID: 873 8241 5962


Webinar: Fire Insurance

Insurance. Are You Covered?

When it comes to protecting your home from wildfire, insurance is a necessary part of the plan. Join the conversation with leading insurance experts to find out:

  • How to keep your assets insured and how to navigate a difficult insurance market; 
  • What to do if you've been non-renewed or dropped by your insurance company; and, 
  • What preparedness and advocacy is being done to fix the insurance problem. 

Consumer advocates: Amy Bach, Executive Director (United Policyholders); Joel Laucher, Insurance Consultant (Regulatory Insurance Advisors and United Policyholders); and Janet Ruiz, Director - Strategic Communications (Insurance Information Institute) will share their expertise and the latest information and resources about fire insurance in California. Special host: Chief Bill Tyler (Novato Fire District)

Speakers: Amy Bach, Executive Director (United Policyholders); Joel Laucher, Insurance Consultant (Regulatory Insurance Advisors and United Policyholders); Janet Ruiz, Director - Strategic Communications (Insurance Information Institute)

Tuesday July 27, 2021 @ 6:00pm

Join on Facebook live stream or via Zoom here:
Or by telephone:
1 669 900 9128  
Webinar ID: 873 8241 5962


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