In December, we discussed strategies for assessing and planning Zone 0, 0-5 feet from your home, where the best practice is to remove any combustible materials. For Zones 1 and 2, focus on plant size and spacing to reduce fire pathways to your home.
Zone 1 – 5 to 30 feet from home
Objective: Reduce heat and movement of flames by creating a “lean and clean” environment and creating space for the fire department to defend your home.
● Allow for ample plant spacing to slow the spread of flames
● Consider the strategic placement of non-combustible materials between plantings such as decorative boulders to slow the spread of flames
● When placing plants, keep low-growing and well-irrigated plants closer to the home and larger shrubs and trees further away
● For mulch, composted wood chips or medium-sized bark nuggets are acceptable in this zone
● Limit mulch depth to 2” and break up mulched areas with hardscaping
Zone 2 – 30 to 100 feet from home
Objective: Decrease the energy and speed of a fire by eliminating plant density.
● Avoid planting trees and shrubs in rows or hedges, which provide a pathway for fire to follow
● For existing hedges, consider breaking them by removing some plants or adding a non-combustible walkway along the hedge to slow the spread of flames
● Keep vegetation under trees low to the ground and sparsely spaced to avoid fire reaching tree canopies
You may need to collaborate with your neighbors to plan out this defensible zone.
For more about Fire Smart Gardening, Marin garden advice and events, or to reach out
to us with garden questions, visit us at