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Firewise 101

What is Firewise?

The national Firewise USA® recognition program is part of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and provides a collaborative framework to help neighbors in a geographic area get organized and take action to protect their homes and community from wildfire. 

Do I live in a Firewise neighborhood?

Check out our map to see if you already live in a designated Firewise site. 

What does it mean to live in a Firewise neighborhood?

  1. Receive newsletters from the Firewise leaders with pertinent wildfire education
  2. Hold an evacuation practice as a neighborhood 
  3. Use the free chipper program to reduce wildfire fuels around homes 
  4. Participate in neighborhood walks to identify major wildfire risks 
  5. Help your neighbors that might need extra assistance due to age or disabilities 

How do I start a Firewise in my neighborhood?

If you are interested in starting a Firewise site for your community, first watch this video and check out the resources on our website. 

Email with any questions and to share your interest. 

Why should I be interested in becoming a Firewise site?

Firewise is a great tool to organize your neighborhood around a collective goal of adapting to wildfire. Fire Safe Marin provides monthly resources to Firewise neighborhoods to help achieve this goal. There are also some insurance companies that are beginning to offer discounts to neighborhoods recognized as Firewise. 

Everyone has a part to play in helping Marin adapt to wildfire. 

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